
Project Vision

Traditional residential buildings are reactive. They consume high energy, with elevated maintenance costs. In the majority of the cases, the RES are untapped, while the occupants’ well-being most of the time is not the proper one. Finally, their environmental footprint is very poor. PRECEPT vision is to enable the “smooth” and at almost zero operational costs transformation of traditional residential buildings to Pred(scr)ictive, Proactive Smart Residential Buildings.


The overall goal is to make the transformation of the buildings from reactive to proactive more attractive to stakeholders, more reliable, secured and cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and in line with grid needs, thus enabling the acceleration of building proactiveness transformation. PRECEPT’s ambition is to deliver the next-generation of Smart Home (IoT) industry.

The overall vision summarized as follows:

Transition to Pred(scr)ictive, Proactive Smart Residential Buildings

Self-managed “plug-n-play” PP-BMS together with federated learning AI algorithms

Combine edge-computing, security and privacy

Introduction of Novel sustainable business models

Project Objectives

PRECEPT ambitiously aims to set the grounds for the deployment and operation of proactive residential buildings.


The proposed framework aims:

To render traditional residential reactive buildings to intelligent proactive buildings through a Fog-Enabled toolkit at building level able to interact with the grid energy management system

To enhance the building energy performance and well-being

To design and develop IoT and artificial intelligence processes enabling self-management, -monitoring, - healing and –optimization

To deliver advanced visualization techniques for big demand data assisting the decision making for optimized proactive building operation

To improve stakeholder's collaboration supporting knowledge sharing and user communities

To integrate a real-time digital representation (digital building twin) of the smart proactive residential buildings and 6D BIM models

To deliver Smart Proactiveness Indicators (SPIs) allowing for rating the smart Proactiveness of buildings through standardized procedures

To deliver procedures and algorithms enabling prescriptive maintenance at building assets

To implement and demonstrate new business models engaging buildings to be proactive

PRECEPT framework will be demonstrated in relevant environments in 5 use cases, including 250 apartments, as its overall goal concentrates on the fulfillment of actual needs and requirements.

Precept Architecture

Τhe architecture of PRECEPT includes a set of major elements. The Middleware Components are responsible for integrating and homogenization the data acquired by the diverse sensors and the middleware Event Manager for enabling the data distribution.


The Existing Building Information Modelling Tool will contain the information responsible for modeling the building energy consumption and generation which will be utilized by the PRECEPT digitization processes to produce the building’s digital twin.

PRECEPT will build algorithms for disaggregating the energy consumption of the building into its individual devices while an inference engine will be able to utilize the overall building energy consumption along with the disaggregation algorithm output to infer the occupancy, the well-being and the activity of the users in the building.


Artificial intelligence algorithms will be utilized for predictive analytics, load and generation prediction, as well as prescriptive maintenance. The adopted federated learning technology will exploit all buildings information, utilizing secure mechanisms, thus addressing critical issues such as data privacy, security, access rights.


PRECEPT proposed a PP-BMS with prescriptive and proactive management abilities, allowing the continuous and in real-time representation of the important information with the optimum goal to enhance their well-being, optimize building’s operation and allow the control of devices.


PRECEPT will further support the development of a social collaboration and interaction toolkit towards engaging stakeholders by sharing information, knowledge and experiences between virtual communities